South Africa 1901 - 1903
JB was initially appalled by the conditions he met during his first visit to the concentration camps and thereafter had to decide how to improve water supply, sanitation, catering , hospital and financial management. Quite a challenge for a young 26 year old administrator.
JB also undertook treks north and east from Johannesburg to East Transvaal, to Zoutpansberg, Woodbush and Komatipoort which sits on the borders with Mozambique and Swaziland (now Eswatini)
The Komati River near Komatipoort and a wood pile beside a railway wagon
JB in hunting mode
JB at home at “Wolff’s House
A dry river bed
JB at the Waldheim’s - 1902
G C Sellar returning from lunch Lord Milner’s HQ, Johannesburg
Harry Wilson (FHW)
Irene Camp
Irene Camp
Cooking Ovens, Irene Camp
Sabbath Service, Irene Camp
Tennis Match, Irene Camp
Irene Estate
Irene Estate
Described as a Kaffir bride
Irene Estate
Six Mile Spruit, Irene Estate
Mountain Stream in the Hartebees Mountains, north of Pretoria
School Class, Vereeniging Camp
Hockey Match, Vereeniging Camp
Komati River
Railway Bridge, Komatipoort
Lebombo Hills, Komatipoort
Lebombo Hills, near Komatipoort
Ass and colt
Bush scene
Cut timber, Komatipoort
Peebles, Scottish Borders
Three bush scenes near Komatipoort and a Corn field
The Komati River near Komatipoort and a wood pile beside a railway wagon