Peebles, Scottish Borders
William Buchan’s trek into the Himalayas in September 1911
The map provides an indication of the route of William’s 18-day trek into Sikkim and to Kangchenjunga starting from Darjeeling using the placenames attached to the photographs in his album.
A simple plan of the Glaciers in the region around Kangchenjunga
A view of Kangchenjunga
William Buchan and a group of friends undertook a trek from Darjeeling north to the glaciers to the south-east of Kangchenjunga with the aid of local coolis (porters). They went on foot or by pony where this was feasible.
The start in Darjeeling
The Coolis employed to carry the food and tents and to set up camps
The Kangchenjunga range from Ghoom
Simani Basti (no tents required)
Kingchinjunga from Tonglu now spelt Kangchenjunga
Taylor’s Bungalow
On the road between Tonglu and Sandakhphu
On the road between Tonglu and Sandakhphu
On the road (track) between Tonglu and Sandakhphu
Kalipokhri Nepalese boundary post
A nomadic shepherd and his flock
Zig zag up to Sandakhphu
Leaving Phallut - the last bungalow and with the last of our ponies
Coolis saying prayers at a Singalila shrine
A distant view of Kinchinjunga
Above Chuabhanjan - the last shepherd’s hut
Breaking camp at our first camping ground - Niatang
Everest range from Niatang
Minguthang (within Nepal border) - our second camping ground
Gamothang - our third camping ground
From Gamothang
At Bhokta - the mistake which resulted in us taking the wrong direction
Lost - cutting a path through forest
Our deliverer - a Nepali wild animal hunter
From the waterfall in the nameless valley
Camp No. 5 in the nameless valley
View from Camp No.5
Looking down on the nameless valley campsite
The Kangla taken from the ridge between the Chumbab La and the nameless valley
Views of the Kubra ridge from the south of the nameless valley - the Kubra, the “Dave” and the “Faked” peaks
The peaks leading up to the Kabru
Bridge over Chummy Chuu with Cullis, WHB and Matu
Glimpse of the Chummy Chuu cascades
Savi on the bridge
Cullis on the bridge
Coolis crossing bridge over Praig Chuu
Coolis crossing bridge over Praig Chuu
Campsite just below the snout of the Alukthang Glacier
Alukthang Glacier
Pandim from just below Alukthang
Tarn beneath morass of Alukthang Glacier
View from higher up
Chemathang from below Giucha La
The Upper Giucha La
The lower Giucha La
Peak of the Kinchin from first camp in Talun Valley
Pandim from the Talun side of the Giucha
Peak of Kinchin from the first camp in the Talun Valley
Ice cave in the Talung Glacier
H T Cullis and WHB at the highest point we reached on the Tongshyong spur - about 17,000 feet
V G Savi
Tongshyong Spur
H T Cullis and WHB
Kinchin ahead of Talung Glacier from lower Giucha La
Talung Glacier and Kinchin
The Kabru peaks through Giucha La
Cloud gaps
Named as “Clique” a peak at the top of the Talung Glacier. The peaks adjacent to Kanchenjunga no longer appear to have separate names
Clique and Kinchen
Kangchenjunga from the Talung Glacier
Zemu Gap and Simvoo
Second camp in the Talung Valley after the snow storm
Second camp in the Talung Valley after the snow storm
Second camp in the Talung Valley after the snow storm
Coolis watching some grouse shooting
Beginning of homeward march - approaching Giucha La
Cullis and Martin on the Giucha La
The cloud gap for the Giucha
Pandim and adjacent peak from Tang Si
Bridge over Prek Chu
The Kazi’s house at Yoksum (now Yuksom)
Much better camp at junction of the Prek Chu and the Rathong
Bridge over river junction
First glimpse of outskirts of civilization at Yoksum
Lamas of the Dubdi Monastery above Yoksum
Cullis and WHB at a Maui (small store) at Pemionchi
Cullis and Savi at the same site
On ponies again - Cullis and WHB at Rinchinpung
Setting foot on British Territory again on Darjeeling side of Bridge
Cullis handing our pass to policeman at the frontier