Site where Alastair was killed - already grassed over after 2 years
Grave of T A Nelson, Arras Cemetery
Grave of 2nd Lt. GHF Maude, Duisans
Grave of 2nd Lt G W Snow, Arras
Mrs Helen Buchan at the unfinished Memorial Stone, Duisans
Peebles, Scottish Borders
Lt Alastair Buchan 1894 - 1917 and War Graves Visits
JB’s brother Alastair was killed in action near Arras on Monday, 9th April 1917. Mrs Helen Buchan made the first of two visits to her Son’s grave in 1919. She made a further visit in 1920 by which time permanent gravestones had been erected. The photographs in the following pages were taken during these visits.
Alastair on the ramparts of Edinburgh Castle
Alastair with his niece Alice and nephew William
Lt Alastair Buchan’s grave in the British Military Cemetery at Duisans, near Arras
Anna in the British Military Cemetery, Duisans
Mrs Helen Buchan and Anna at Alastair’s grave
Mrs Helen Buchan in ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++front of the unfinished cross
Possibly Bouzincourt Cemetery
Possibly Bouzincourt Cemetery
Grave of 2nd Lt H R Taggart
Duisans Cemetery with the cross completed
Grave of Pte W Gray
A French War memorial in the village of Rumaucourt near Arras
Arras Cemetery
Arras Road, Roclincourt War Cemetery
Alastair’s Grave, Duisans
Mrs Helen Buchan and Anna at the Memorial Cross, Duisans
A French War Memorial in Rumaucourt
The white cliffs
Dover and the Castle
Dover Harbour
En route to Arras
En route to Arras
Identifying the grave sites
French roadside services
Calais’s magnificent Hotel de Ville tower at the end of a tenement row which no longer exists.
Inland from Calais
Destruction around Ypres
Ypres - a reminder that this is Holy Ground and stones should not be removed
Ypres ruins
Crossing the English Channel
Ruins around Ypres
Ypres devastation
Anna aboard the Channel ferry
The Royal Canadian Artillery Memorial on Vimy Ridge which is now within the Village of Thelus
Cross to the German Defenders on Butte de Warlencourt
View from the Butte de Warlencourt
War Graves in Bouzincourt Cemetery
Possibly the war cemetery at Hamel
Military graveyard at Bouzincourt which adjoins the civil cemetery where the large family tomb can still be seen
Mrs Helen Buchan at her Son Alastair’s grave
The ruins of the St John the Baptist Church, Arras
The ruins of the St John the Baptist Church, Arras
Cross to the South African Brigade at Warlencourt
British War Cemetery, Hamel
The road to Bapaume taken from the Butte de Warlencourt
View from Butte de Warlencourt
Homeward bound
La Madeleine, Paris
The photographs which follow were taken during Mrs Buchan’s second visit to northern France in April, 1920.
The ladies taking full advantage of the sea air
Unloading the luggage
Unloading the luggage
Gare Maritime, Calais
Gare Maritime, Calais
Mrs Helen Buchan at Alastair’s graveside, Duisans
Alastair’s gravestone
Duisans Military Cemetery
Duisans Military Cemetery
Duisans Military Cemetery